February 8, 2024

City of Maple Ridge

MAPLE RIDGE – To support the continued growth of the film industry in the City of Maple Ridge, the City has an updated Film Policy that modernizes processes, sets an equitable fee structure, and encourages productions of all sizes.

A surge in larger-scale film and television productions, and the City’s recent move to offer its assets as film locations, emphasized the need for an updated Film Policy. Originally established in 1995, the Policy required updates to reflect the intricate management, support, and regulations required to meet the increased demand by productions.

“From feature films to popular streaming series, I am always so proud to see our picturesque community showcased in film and TV productions,” said Mayor Dan Ruimy. “The film industry is an important economic driver in our community that provides jobs locally for our residents. We look forward to continuing to attract productions of all sizes to Maple Ridge.”

The City of Maple Ridge ranks fourth in BC contributing 6.5% to the province’s on-location filming activities. The City annually hosts around 110 productions, 300 permits and an average of 350 to 400 ‘shooting days’ all without a film studio. The City offers productions in a variety of urban, suburban and natural settings as a backdrop for the compelling stories being created for movie and TV viewers.

Nearly 2000 people in Maple Ridge are employed by the film industry, from catering and costumes to set design and photography. The demand for accommodations, transportation, and other services injects significant capital into the local economy, benefiting businesses from various sectors. The industry’s growth has tripled local economic impact, creating jobs, revenue, and supporting businesses.

The Film Policy changes support Maple Ridge’s growth as a film destination through transparent regulation and compliance. The updates seek to balance the needs of production companies and the impacts on community spaces.

The City annually hosts around 110 productions, 300 permits and an average of 350 to 400 ‘shooting days’ all without a film studio.

“The updates to our Film Policy recognize the evolving nature of the film industry to ensure a strong economic incentive for productions of all types and sizes to choose Maple Ridge as a filming location while balancing the needs of our community,” said Tyler Westover, Director of Economic Development. “We are committed to being a film friendly City and these changes will make Maple Ridge an even more attractive location for filmmakers.”

The updated Film Policy was developed in consultation with industry experts to modernize film activities while preserving City functionality and resident access. Changes to the Film Policy make fees equitable with a tiered system based on production size and align Maple Ridge with industry standards while remaining competitive.

Changes to the Film Policy Bylaw include:

  • Implementation of a tiered rate system for park rentals based on production size with equitable fees to ensure lower rates for small productions and higher rates for TV series and feature films.
  • Permit application fees remain at $250, but additional charges of $75 apply to extra locations.
  • Special Effects Permits will see a $50 increase per application.
  • Operational guidelines addressing permit processes, facility usage, and environmental concerns have been updated.

Learn more about the City’s updated Film Policy, processes and locations available for filming at

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