March 5, 2024


CHILLIWACK – The Fraser Valley Regional District has announced the launch of the Waste Reduction Initiative Fund, a new approach within the region to encourage innovation in solid waste management from a community level. The Fund is a strategy to assist with the region’s waste reduction goals and education efforts.

“The FVRD is thrilled to launch the Waste Reduction Initiative Fund and receive proposals from eligible applicants,” said Jason Lum, FVRD Board Chair. “I am looking forward to the innovative ideas the community will bring forward to reduce waste that would otherwise end up in the landfill,” he said.

Initiatives that may be considered for funding include those that eliminate waste by reducing material use, redesigning products to be less resource intensive, and recapturing “garbage” as a resource to manufacture new materials and products. Additionally, proposals targeted at reducing barriers to recycling, repair cafes, research or educational programs aimed at reducing waste, or other innovative suggestions identified by community members wishing to make a difference will be considered.

We will welcome proposals throughout the year or until the annual funding is awarded. Eligible applicants include non-profits, community groups, registered charity organizations, and school/university groups. For-profit businesses are not eligible for this grant funding.

Source: frvd.ca

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