July 23, 2024

DELTA – At the July 22 Regular Meeting, Delta City Council received community engagement results, approved the location for the Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre replacement and directed design to commence.

The Refined North Option, which was developed following the first phase of community engagement, incorporates community feedback regarding preserving the natural area in Winskill Park while addressing technical considerations like park accessibility, traffic flow and construction implementation. This option would also mitigate impacts during construction to allow the existing facility to remain open to the public and maintain three baseball diamonds, currently available today.

Council’s decision also included approving a 25-meter lap pool with 10 lanes in the new facility, which will result in a considerable increase in aquatic capacity from the current 6 lane pool. Not only will this meet the needs of the growing community, but it will also balance the expectations of the community for fun attractions, fitness/sport, and health and wellness. Along with a larger pool, the new building will include an expanded fitness centre, double the size of the existing facility.

“This decision is an important milestone in the progress of the Winskill Renewal Project,” said Mayor George V. Harvie. “I want to extend my sincere thanks to City staff for their work to engage with residents and develop an option that balances the diverse needs of our community. I look forward to continued progress on this exciting project and delivering a new amenity for the people of Delta that will serve our city for generations to come.”

The Refined North Option allows for the possibility to incorporate a fourth baseball diamond in the future. Council directed staff to consult further with Tsawwassen Amateur Baseball Association and other field user groups on park layout and plans for the fourth diamond and return to Council with a recommendation in the fall. The report back will also include additional information on the trees and the City’s plans for reforestation given the number of trees in poor condition today.

With Council’s approval of the new site, the chosen location and engagement report will now be submitted to the design team to develop plans for the new facility. These plans will be presented to the public and Delta Council in the fall of 2024, leading to a second phase of community engagement.



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