BRITISH COLUMBIA – Through the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund (BCMJF), the Government of BC is investing more than $1.3 million toward four projects in the Fraser Valley region that will see local businesses grow and create new jobs. The goal is to promote the development of made-in-BC products and strengthen local supply chains and communities. The recipients include:
Dynamic Windows and Doors Ltd. in Abbotsford, will receive as much as $755,000 to purchase and install automated equipment and integrate new technology into its production to help the company meet its growing market demand, make it feasible to keep production here in BC. support existing jobs and create nine new jobs.
“The support offered by the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund is assisting our ongoing investment in product and process development in Abbotsford, which is critical to our ongoing pursuit of excellence in manufacturing. As an exporting company, our contribution to the BC economy is significant and we’re grateful for this support which assists us in maintaining growth and securing employment for British Columbians,” said John Mathews, president and CEO, Dynamic Windows and Doors Ltd.
Abbotsford’s Tiger Tool International Inc. will receive as much as $220,000 to purchase and install two new machines to enable high-precision production of tools and equipment to diversify its product offerings, while supporting existing jobs and creating three new jobs.
Western Wood Preservers Ltd. in Aldergrove ,will receive as much as $300,000 to expand and renovate its processing facility, which aims to double production of treated lumber, improve fabrication and move to year-round operations, while protecting existing jobs and creating seven new ones.
“Western Wood Preservers is pleased to have been selected as a recipient of the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund. The funds are expediting the company’s plan to enhance its treating facility, which will result in increased employment to handle the increase in production capacity. Given the reduction in available fibre, our facility improvements will help extend the life of more wood products through pressure treating,” said Chris Carter, director, Western Wood Preservers Ltd.
In Agassiz, Power Wood Corp. will receive as much as $50,000 to complete business planning, technical drawings and an engineering plan to build a new thermal modification facility. This would allow it to make use of new fibre sources and double its production capacity of specialty wood products, such as siding, panelling and trim, while potentially creating 44 jobs through this future capital project.
The BCMJF supports for-profit organizations to plan and launch shovel-ready, high-value industrial and manufacturing projects that will bring direct benefits and stable, family-supporting jobs to communities while driving clean and inclusive growth throughout the province.
“Wood-manufacturing companies, like those in the Fraser Valley, are creating BC’s next generation of forestry jobs,” said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Forests. “The projects announced today will bring additional technology and innovation into manufacturing operations and create family-supporting jobs. By investing in growing manufacturing companies, we are investing in people and communities.”
Funding through the BCMJF is part of a series of programs that the Province has introduced to support the growth of value-added manufacturing in BC In January 2023, the Ministry of Forests introduced a new Value-Added Manufacturing Program to establish a dedicated fibre supply for small and medium-sized manufacturers. The Province is working with the value-added manufacturing sector to increase the flow of fibre and find ways to expand local production of high-value wood products. A strong value-added manufacturing industry diversifies the forestry sector, buffering against global market challenges.
Source: news.gov.bc.ca