SMITHERS – The Town of Smithers’ Mayor and Council are pleased to announce the completion of an organizational review and a new organizational structure. Council has approved the recommendations of a recently completed Organizational Scan and Service Delivery Review by INNOVA Strategy Group.
“Our new Chief Administrative Officer Dianna Plouffe was appointed in May of 2021. Ms. Plouffe and Council both recognized the need to review our leadership structure. We brought in external experts to conduct a thorough Organizational Scan and Service Delivery Review. Council has accepted the results of the Final Report and fully support Ms. Plouffe in the steps she has already taken to implement positive change,” said Mayor Atrill.
“Council supports carrying out necessary changes to allow our organization to deliver exceptional service. The Municipal Service Assessment Final Report has now been shared with all employees of the Town of Smithers,” said Ms. Plouffe.
“The new organizational and reporting structure will better align operational requirements and provide the leadership necessary to meet Council and community expectations. I am confident in the ability of our Town staff and look forward to fulfilling the recommendations over time,” said Ms. Plouffe. “Early response to the recommendations in the final report include targeted recruitment and successfully filling several vacant management positions,” she continued.
“Along with the organizational restructure, the review noted that Town staff clearly love their community and are dedicated to providing excellent service. Smithers is a great community, and those who work for the Town are as committed to it as the rest of us who live here,” said Mayor Atrill.
A PDF of the full report can be found by clicking the following link:
Town of Smithers Municipal Service Assessment.