PRINCE RUPERT — One of Prince Rupert’s newest sporting societies has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to a financial contribution from the Port of Prince Rupert.
The Prince Rupert Gymnastics Association is the latest beneficiary of the Port’s Community Investment Fund, having received $60,000 in matching funding to enable the purchase of new equipment and enhanced youth programming.
A 40-foot square sprung floor, landing mats and uneven bars are a few of the new features at the Club’s home in the Ceremonial Room of the Museum of Northern BC.
The PRGA was founded by a handful of local parents dedicated to bringing the sport of gymnastics to children in Prince Rupert. The club began with donated equipment that had not been in use for 20 years, which enabled the club to offer its first ten-week class in September 2014.
Midway through the first season a donation from the Lion’s Club enabled the purchase of rings and bars for smaller children, and allowed local kids to see what gymnastics could offer them.
However, old equipment and the lack of a dedicated space proved challenging, and the board acknowledged the need for a permanent location with unrestricted access for member classes
In 2016 Susan Marsden from the Museum of Northern BC contacted the club to see if the Ceremonial Room at the museum could cater to the needs of the growing club. The space was a match for the club, and the club is now able to offer classes six days a week, with programs for parents and toddlers, kids of various skill levels, and—most recently—an adult drop-in class.