March 28, 2024

Prince George As Lead For Hydrogen Hub Development

Deklan Corstanje, Manager of Economic Development at City of Prince George

The City of Prince George has been selected by CEMPO (Clean Energy Major Projects Office) to lead the Northern BC Hydrogen Hub. In addition to being selected as the lead, the Hub has also been awarded $150,000 in funding to kick off the project.

In alliance with the Hydrogen Hub, Prince George has also become the first municipal member of the CHFCA (Canadian Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association).

“We are delighted to welcome the City of Prince George in British Columbia as our association’s inaugural municipal member,” says Ivette Vera-Perez, President and CEO of the CHFCA. “As the city is a key player in the advancement of lighthouse projects in central BC’s hydrogen hub, the CHFCA, and our Hydrogen BC affiliate looks forward to closely collaborating with the City of Prince George on their path to net-zero and learning from thier success as we support other Canadian municipalities in advancing their hydrogen goals.”

Manager of Economic Development, Deklan Corstanje also had the opportunity to be a key-note speaker at the Hydrogen Technology Expo North America in Houston TX, where he was able to further promote and bring international attention to the community.

Low-Carbon Leadership Tour Pilot Project

Governments and industries alike have new ‘resolve to reduce’ greenhouse gas emission plans and early leadership is evident in Prince George. In fact, there are things happening in Prince George that aren’t happening anywhere else in BC.

In early 2023, a tour of local facilities was developed in partnership with the City of Prince George, Tourism Prince George and the Community Energy Association to showcase leading, low-carbon initiatives throughout the community. The tour kicked off the 20th Annual BC Natural Resource Forum.

The tour included stops at Lakeland Mill, Winton Homes, the Downtown Renewable Energy System and finally WIDC, where presentations from Tidewater Renewables, Arbios, Hydra Energy and Northern Analytical Lab Services were given.

Overall, the tour was unanimously hailed a success by all participants. We look forward to showcasing updates and additional industry leaders in the future.

Grant Funding Awarded For Development And Implimentation Of Housing Action Plan

A grant application to the Northern Healthy Communities Fund, administered by the Northern Development Initiative Trust, was recently approved for the City to create and implement an action plan in response to the community’s housing needs. The project is intended to support the construction of housing within the community by determining how to get the necessary housing built and what barriers the City of Prince George is able to reduce to active developers to build in the community. The $300,000 grant will support the hiring of expert consultants to devise the action plan and hiring a staff member to carry out the action plan.

Transportation And Warehousing Study Completed

Warehousing and transportation are essential parts of any business operation that requires temporarily carrying and storing physical inventory before it is transferred to other locations or end consumers. As different inventory types, raw materials, and final products require different transportation methods and warehousing requirements, these pillars play an integral role in streamlining the supply chain as they aim to maintain an uninterrupted flow of goods in an efficient and secure manner.

This study zooms in on the Transportation and Warehousing sector in Canada and specifically in the City of Prince George, and the Cariboo Economic Region. It explores the relevant local businesses and industry, workforce/employment trends, and population demographics which would be relevant to the Transportation and Warehousing sector from a supply chain perspective.

Hydrogen Sector Opportunity Assessment

Development of an at-scale, clean hydrogen economy is a strategic priority for Canada, needed to diversify our future energy mix, generate economic benefits, and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The Hydrogen Sector Opportunity Assessment will delve deep into Prince George’s emerging Hydrogen Cluster, examining the workforce and logistics essential for driving this transformative initiative forward.

Deklan Corstanje is the Manager of Economic Development at the City of Prince George

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