Candace Laing
Candace Laing has been appointed as the new president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
Two new judges, Paul Pearson and Parveen Nijjar, have been appointed to the Provincial Court by the government of British Columbia. Their terms will begin on July 25, 2024.
For a third term, Sid Jawanda of School District 57 has been elected to the BC Principals’ & Vice-Principals’ Association Board of Directors.
The second round of grantees for the BC Maritime Industries Infrastructure Modernization and Expansion Grant Program, which is supported by the Province of British Columbia, has been announced by the Association of British Columbia Marine Industries (ABCMI). The recipients include: Arrow Transportation Systems Inc., Bracewell Marine Group Ltd., Bridgeview Marine Group Ltd., GCRD Holdings Ltd., Interior Marine Construction Ltd & Leopold Developments Ltd., Ocean Pacific Marine Store & Boatyard, Ocean Performance Technologies Inc., Reed Point Marina Ltd. & CT Inlet Marine, Repairs Inc., Ripple Rock Repairs Ltd. (Jussi Narhi), Shearwater Resort LLP, Shelter Island Marina Inc., Van Isle Marina Co. Ltd., Vector Yacht Services Ltd., Seaspan ULC Victoria Shipyards Co. Ltd., and West Coast Launch Ltd.
BC Hydro has announced plans to invest over $3 billion in capital projects on Vancouver Island in the coming decade as part of its 10-Year Capital Plan. These include the construction of a new substation in Langford and the replacement of ageing underground cables that serve Victoria, Esquimalt, and Saanich. Additionally, there will be significant investments in distribution to increase power-line capacity in various areas such as Bear Mountain, Langford Heights, Victoria, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, Saanich, and Nanaimo. BC Hydro also plans to upgrade transmission capacity to Vancouver Island by replacing old undersea cables with new ones near the Gulf Islands. Lastly, seismic upgrade projects are in the works for BC Hydro’s three dams within the Campbell River system – John Hart, Strathcona, and Ladore.
Starting July 18, 2024, landlords will need to utilise the Landlord Use Web Portal, a new website, to generate Notices to End Tenancy for personal occupancy or caretaker. This change aims to enhance renter protection by preventing unjust evictions and streamlining the process for landlords.
The Co-op Cardlock Network across Western Canada is now back to full operation, including the 16 cardlocks owned and operated by Four Rivers Co-op in Central BC. This update comes from the company following a recent cybersecurity incident.
The Prince George Hospice House has launched a new space called “Rec Room,” a remodelled garage that will offer woodworking, arts & crafts, journaling, and other activities.
Early price is in effect until July 31 for the 2024 GLOBAL WOOD SUMMIT in Vancouver, taking place on Oct 29-30.

Rod Graham
Rod Graham has recently joined the board of directors at the Prince Rupert Port Authority.
Bryan Nelson is joining Prince Rupert Port Authority in a new role as Manager, Environmental Review and Compliance.
The City of Prince Rupert is now handling applications from those wishing to build in the District of Port Edward.
Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary (CNCGA) members from the Gitxaala First Nation are now available for marine search and rescue (SAR) missions on the North Coast, having reached operational status.
Nisga’a Society is looking for a new CEO after Blair Mirau announced that he would be leaving the position with effect from the end of September 2024.
Community Futures Prince Rupert is now accepting applications for the position of Export Advisor.
CFNR announced their support for the upcoming Prince Rupert and District Chamber of Commerce 2024 Golf Scramble, taking place on July 27th, 2024.
Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd. opens its new Fort St. John location at Bay #4 & 5, 8822 100 Street.
The B.C. Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) has received an application from SECURE Energy Services Inc. to transfer the environment assessment certificate for the Silverberry Secure Landfill, which is located north of Fort St. John.
Arts North East has named Tiia Kand as its new executive director.
The second phase of Canada’s first liquefied natural gas export project, situated in Kitimat, is being planned, and the consortium lead by Shell, LNG Canada, is looking for contractors to bid on the engineering, procurement, and construction tasks involved.
A new Kitimat walkway is being built, with funding from the B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant Program. The walkway will connect to Kingfisher Boulevard and run along part of Haisla Boulevard.
Elder Darlene McIntosh of the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation is serving her second term as chancellor of UNBC.
The Métis Nation British Columbia has acquired 4617 Greig Avenue in Terrace. This acquisition advances MNBC’s mission to improve Métis community resources and services.
Bater Electric and Mecca Electronics has announced the acquisition of Terrace Rewind, a renowned electric motor repair business in Terrace.
Downtown Williams Lake’s Journey Junction is now open for business at #3-123 Borland St.
Cariboo Dress Hire has opened at #107-197 Second Ave. N. in downtown Williams Lake.
Dance In Common is offering a Summer Intensive Program from July 8th to July 19th.
Emily Klaassen has been appointed as the new administrative Office Manager by the Smithers District Chamber of Commerce.
A new water treatment facility is being installed by the Town of Smithers for the system that supplies Watson Landing, the Smithers Airport, and the site of the former Lake Kathlyn Elementary.
Smithers District Chamber of Commerce welcomes its newest member, Kalum Kabs Smithers.
The Keis Trucking Ltd. Development permit application 2023-61 for a new shop at 100 Keis Avenue was approved by the council, provided that all outdoor storage areas are screened from the public right-of-way.
Council gave its support to an entry showcasing the Quesnel Adventure Skills Bike Park and its mountain bike rental program, which promotes active lives and tourism, for the Union of BC Municipalities Community Excellence Awards – Excellence in Service Delivery. Quesnel has become well-known as a mountain riding destination thanks to solid collaborations with regional groups like the Gold Rush Cycling Club and Lhtako Dene Nation.
In The Dog House Cariboo Kennel Services, located at 221 B McDermid Rd., off Exeter, and across from Timbermart, is now officially open.
Registration is now open for the Hot July Nights in 100 Mile House, scheduled on July 19 – 21.
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