BC – Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations John Rustad has issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Department of Commerce preliminary determination of anti-dumping duties of 6.87% to be applied to the majority of Canadian softwood lumber shipments entering the US.
The anti-dumping duty is on top of the previously announced preliminary countervailing duties of 19.88%, for a total rate of 26.75%.
“We knew this decision was coming but that doesn’t soften the blow. Forestry built British Columbia and drives our economy. We will continue to stand strong and fight for the over 140 communities and over 60,000 British Columbians that depend on forestry for their livelihood.
“The only long-term solution is a negotiated trade agreement. We will ensure BC’s interests are protected in any such agreement. The alternative is to be subject to US. legal processes designed to favour a few select timber barons. These actions hurt Canadian companies and Canadian workers, but they also hurt US homebuyers and the US construction and renovation industry.
“In the meantime, our legal team in BC will continue to work with Canada and with the forest sector to fight these duties at every opportunity. History shows that the American decisions on duties do not withstand legal scrutiny. Once the final determinations have been made by the U.S. Department of Commerce, we’ll be working closely with the federal government and BC industry on launching appeals.
“Further to recommendations made by the ministerial Federal-Provincial Task Force on Softwood Lumber, of which British Columbia is a member, the federal government has committed $867 million to assist workers and communities across Canada that may be affected by the softwood lumber tariffs. As reiterated in the speech from the throne, BC will continue to grow offshore markets for BC lumber, and also pre-purchase BC lumber for use in public housing projects.”
For additional information on BC Softwood Lumber, please visit the following link.