BC – Following a year impacted by wildfire, flooding and invasive species, farmers and ranchers around the province can recover some of their lost income with the new BC AgriStability Enhancement Program.
“B.C.’s agriculture community saw a number of setbacks this year, and our government is helping farmers and ranchers with the difficult circumstances they’re facing,” said Minister of Agriculture Lana Popham. “This program will support agricultural producers who lost income due to circumstances beyond their control.”
The enhanced AgriStability Program was developed because of the unusual losses in 2017. Broader coverage was required in order to protect the 40 to 50 per cent of BC farmers and ranchers not enrolled in the regular AgriStability program. Under the AgriStability Enhancement Program, BC farmers and ranchers can enrol in the regular program late and without penalty.
“This past year was a very tough year for many residents of BC, and the impact on many of our ranchers has been devastating,” said BC Cattlemen’s Association general manager Kevin Boon.
“The recognition of this, and understanding that there needs to be some assistance to help them get their feet back under them, is appreciated. This chance to enrol in the 2017 AgriStability program without penalty will certainly provide another useful tool to offset some of the production income losses that producers are facing this year.”
AgriStability is a federal and provincial government program that protects farmers and ranchers from margin declines resulting from increased costs or decreased revenue.
Payments are made if the farmer or rancher’s current-year margin falls more than 30 per cent below the average of prior years. The AgriStability Enhancement Program is 100 per cent funded by the provincial government.