VANCOUVER ISLAND – Canada remains on the doorstep of a bitter trade war with the United States. That dangerous bully, President Donald Trump, who threatened our economy with crippling 25% tariffs blinked in the final hours and now there will be thirty days to work on a new border/organized crime strategy to prevent a damaging U.S. trade policy designed to crush our economy. So, while we wait for elected officials to come up with solutions what can we do as individuals?
On a national level, I believe we need to leave the threat in place that there will be a sharpe response if the U.S. decides to follow through with its threats. Canadian tariffs on targeted American goods and products in red states would be deeply felt. At all cost Canada cannot afford to look weak in the face of blunt Trump politics and a “Canada First” rally cry needs to continue for the foreseeable future.
I suggest average Canadians should still consider buying home grown and produced products wherever possible. We also need our politicians to reject woke virtue signalling pipedreams and push ahead with new resource development, transportation and pipeline facilities to get our products to markets in Asia and Europe. We cannot continue a policy of walking lock-step with the United States which gives them the power to dictate our actions and threaten our sovereignty. In short Canadians need to be patriotic in action as well as words.
Something else to consider for the many Canadians who regularly take holidays south of the border or own properties in the United States – let’s not to travel south until this dispute is settled. If you’re looking for somewhere for the winter months consider places like Mexico over Hawaii, California or Arizona. If you’ve already booked your trip the U.S., and can’t change it, so be it. But let’s all try to be conscience that unnecessary U.S. travel at this critical time hurts all of us. There are still difficult days ahead. Let’s look out for each other and show compassion for our fellow citizens.
Finally, let’s stop devaluating our strengths, our culture, and our history. Canadians have spent too much time in recent years focusing on our disagreements. Let’s cast off inter-provincial trade barriers and allow our products to be sold across the land on an even playing field. The good news about this current Trump fueled crisis is its already uniting us and reminding us of the wonderful country we live in. As for Trump, he needs to remember now and always that Canadians may be polite, but we’re not pushovers. Bullies only understand strength – So, I say go Canada go !!
Robin Adair is Co-Host Victoria Rumble Room, a current events video podcast attracting a cumulative audience of over 2 million views. Adair worked as a TV and radio reporter, anchor and commentator for 25 years including 17 years at CHEK TV in Victoria. Later a government relation consultant, conference coordinator Adair also served as a political pundit and media commentator. Always community minded, he was the Chair of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce (2006) and Chair of Camosun College Board of Governors (2008). In 2010 he served as the General Manager of Communications and Protocol for the City of Vancouver during the Winter Olympic Games. For these past three years Robin Adair has produced and co-hosted Victoria Rumble Room, a current events video podcast attracting a cumulative audience of over 2 million views.