BC Innovation Council ‘Ignite’ Offers Research Funding

March 2, 2016

Reading Time: 30 Seconds

BC – The BC Innovcation Council has announce the launch of their newest program, BCIC Ignite. Funded by the National Resources and Applied Sciences (NRAS) Endowment Fund, BCIC Ignite provides funding support of up to $300,000 to teams of researchers and industry partners that are conducting research leading to commercializable projects that address a significant demonstrated problem faced by industry.

Program Overview

  • Focus: Proposals must involve the areas of natural resources, applied science and/or engineering, and must provide a clearly articulated solution to an existing problem.
  • Teams: Applicants must be a BC-based consortium comprised of two or more companies, organizations or academic researchers. All consortia must include an academic member and an industry partner.
  • Matching funds: Projects must secure matching funds from industry or government sources at a ratio of 2:1.
  • Timing: Projects must plan to conclude within 3 years.
  • Deadlines
    • Spring 2016 program, Letter of Intent is due to BCIC by May 2, 2016.
    • Summer 2016 program, Letter of Intent is due to BCIC by August 1, 2016
* indicates required
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