WEST SHORE – I’m putting this article together in early March, and before starting to type I had a look at the status of our networking events for the month. We have three scheduled, and every single one is full with a wait list. Now people’s plans change, and we do our very best to get everyone on the wait list to an event. But if you’re considering becoming a member and want to try out one of our networking events in advance, the sooner you make contact the better. You are always very welcome to try before you buy with us, with no expectation or obligation, subject to space!
One of the benefits of membership is inclusion in our Business Resource and Relocation Go2Guide. Full of handy details about doing business and getting settled in the WestShore, this guide also includes a directory of WestShore Chamber members and information about the WestShore municipalities of Colwood, Langford, the Highlands, Metchosin and View Royal. 2000 copies will be printed for distribution across the WestShore, with locations ranging from individual members to realtors, grocery stores, libraries, and more! All WestShore Chamber members are provided with a complimentary directory listing as part of their membership, and members can also take advantage of our advertising program, with Early Bird sales available until March 31.
However, you don’t have to be a member to take part in Viva La WestShore as we have ticket options available for non-members as well as members and their guests! In partnership with our Title Sponsor Elements Casino Victoria, we’re pleased to announce that this favourite event is returning on April 12 after a five-year hiatus. Expect a night Bof fundraising fun with casino games, live prize auctions, canapes, and conversation.
Thanks to our Libations Sponsor Pearlman Lindholm Barristers & Solicitors, guests will be greeted on arrival with a complimentary cocktail, after which a cash bar will be available. Proceeds from the auction will directly support the Vancouver Island Y’s Financial Assistance Program to help send kids to Camp Thunderbird, and we are gratefully accepting auction donations until April 5.
You can find out about all of these events and initiatives – and more! – by going to westshore.bc.ca, signing up for our newsletter, or following us on social media. Just don’t follow the American chamber of the same name!
Julie Lawlor is Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce