January 17, 2024

DEASE LAKETD Bank Group has announced a $600,000 grant towards the Heavy Equipment Operator Program of the Tahtlan Nation Development Corporation.

The Tahltan HEO Program includes driver’s license support, HEO mentor training, and HEO development and combines training in Tahltan Territory with on-the-job practical work experience, and will be split evenly between year two and three of the HEO pilot program. Building off the success of the inaugural year-one pilot, the Tahltan HEO Program is moving forward with its expanded program framework to increase the impact in enhancing skills capacity of Tahltan individuals.

“TNDC is excited to work with TD and is grateful for its commitment and belief in our HEO program,” says Carol Danielson, Chair, TNDC. “By investing in educating and empowering individuals, we can build stronger, more resilient Tahltan communities and create a brighter future for all.

“Through this grant, TNDC’s HEO Program will be able to expand its reach and impact into years 2 and 3 of the program, enabling TNDC to provide vital educational support to a larger number of deserving individuals, unlocking their potential and opening doors to brighter futures.”

Doris Bear, Vice President, Indigenous Banking, TD Bank Group, says “We recognize the positive impact and value that programs like the Tahltan HEO Program can bring to communities and local economies. That’s why through the TD Ready Commitment, we’re proud to support this initiative aimed at helping address skill shortages in the Territory while also providing hands-on work experiences for participants.”

Tahltan Territory is in remote Northwest British Columbia and includes 70 per cent of BC’s Golden Triangle – a world class mining jurisdiction with a thriving mineral exploration sector. Through the Bank’s corporate citizenship platform, the TD Ready Commitment, TD has been targeting C$1 billion by 2030 towards community giving.

Business Examiner Staff

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