PRINCE RUPERT – The City of Prince Rupert and District of Port Edward have now formally signed a Shared Prosperity Agreement between the two communities committing to collaborate on shared interests. The Agreement includes the introduction of parameters for negotiating a Shared Service Agreement, commitment to provide long term fire service mutual aid, as well as commitment to a continued water supply to Watson Island. The latter two Agreements having additional formal terms that were signed off on in May of 2022.
“This agreement was a long time in coming. There is a bright future for our communities in working closely together on the challenges we both face,” said Mayor Knut Bjorndal. “We are connected together as never before and need a united voice to becoming the prosperous communities our present and future residents are entitled to.”
“This is a big step forward for our two communities. We both understand and share the same challenges of providing for isolated Northern communities. As neighbours it’s important that we work together to better the position of the region as a whole,” said Mayor Herb Pond.
The Agreement also commits to working together on shared regional interests like attracting housing, recreation, tourism, infrastructure renewal, highway considerations, land use planning, and attraction and retention of workers. It also commits to a jointly considered appointment to the Prince Rupert Port Authority Board of Directors.